PolyPup Layer 3 - Ball Token


PolyPup Finance is a new DeFi project on Polygon featuring a deflationary token model. This is the third layer of the project featuring BALL with a maximum supply of 94,000 tokens.

After reviewing several yield farming models we decided on a low emission rate, layered farming approach to our platform. This model will help end users earn maximum yields over a long period of time. Our new Dividends program will help stabilize the price while creating demand for the BALL token allowing users to earn high demand cryptos such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other stable coins.


  • 94,000 BALL tokens maximum

  • 0.05 emission rate

  • PUP and BONE holders will be able to earn BALL token shortly after the stealth launch on BONE Dividends by staking PUP or BONE tokens.

  • Layered farming for continued earning of PUP, BONE, and BALL token holders

  • New products will be released to profit share with PolyPup token holders.

Last updated